Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wordy Wednesday

The other night after work, I came home and snuggled with Mattea in bed. We read a couple stories and then out of the blue she began spelling words from her book to me. I know that she recognizes all of her letters and she can spell certain words, but she was all out spelling. Long words, short words, uppercase, lowercase. You name it, she was spelling it. I was blown away and said to her "Mattea, you are mommy's little Einstein."

Fast forward a couple of days. I'm busily preparing dinner in the kitchen and Mattea is practicing her scissor skills at the table. Out of nowhere she looks up at me and says, "Mom, I'm going to pack goldfish in my backpack." At first I was puzzled and then wondered if she meant her backpack for preschool. I questioned her and asked what she was talking about. "Goldfish, mama, I put goldfish in my backpack for a snack." I again asked what snack. She replied, "For the bus ride home from kindergarten." After realizing what she was talking about I kindly reminded her "Honey, you have to be 5 or 6 to go to kindergarten." Without hesitation, she snapped back
"No mama, I'm an Einstein."
I guess she told me!

1 comment:

Kim said...

What a ham! She remembers everything you say! You are so smart, Mattea!