Saturday, March 8, 2008

Move over Florence Nightingale

As the Dean family anxiously awaited for Paloma to be taken into surgery, we were easily distracted by all that the pre-op area had to offer. Mattea found her "patient" and immediately began assessing heart sounds, lung sounds, and bowel sounds.

After realizing his oxygen saturation was not that good, she decided she better hook him up to the SPO2 machine. She even assisted in "starting an IV."

She realized after careful reassessment that her patient was breathing much better.
If I hadn't been so distracted by all that was going on with Paloma, I would have been much more amused with her behavior. She even had one of the nurses helping her. She was told she was going to make a great nurse someday. I was so proud.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Wow! She looks like she's ready to take your job, Heather!