Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring Break Craft Day

Yesterday - Tuesday - we decided to head down to the local watershed where the educators and staff are devoted to providing a fun filled, learning opportunity for the kids over spring break. They have various talks and seminars planned not to mention crafts and activities galore. The girls spent the morning painting with plant based paints.

Paloma was painting with raspberries and blueberries while Mattea stuck mostly with carrots and paprika. How fun is that? The colors were surprisingly very vibrant. The girls then moved into making wind socks, making their own paper, constructing bird

feeders and even making candy buildings with which they got to test out whether or not they were "earthquake proof." Of course the girls didn't really care about the presentation as much as they did about the candy they got to eat off their buildings.

The girls were exhausted at the end the end of the day but came home with some very nice arts and crafts. After a quick jaunt to the gym, the girls and I headed to bed early so that we would be well rested for tomorrow's activity - ice skating! Can't wait for the photo op. Stay tuned....

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