Oh the numerous ways I could start off this blog post.........
Actually, I will keep it clean and clarify that that particular statement is one that I use when I am talking to my very best philodendron. Yes, I have a very special plant that I love watering, nurturing, and talking to. It sits in my kitchen and thrives off the sunlight streaming in from my kitchen windows. When I left Albuquerque, I was forced to leave some of my very best plants behind - why? Well, Dave drove here with two dogs, a vacuum cleaner, and some necessities. No room for plants. And me, I jumped on an airplane with a carry on, two car seats, a stroller and two toddlers. No room for plants. Saddened and heart broken, I entrusted my plants to some good friends.
But that was kind of a turning point, I started anew here. Finding new pots, new soil, the right plants. I replanted and started fresh. But I'm not always successful in my plant potting ventures. I've killed many a plant in my day. Every 6 or so I get lucky, manage to keep one alive long enough to establish roots, and thrive if given the bare necessities. Well, I looked up yesterday to my dear plant only to find that I hadn't watered it since arriving back from Christmas vacation - she was looking a little droopy. Goodness, can't imagine why I haven't been paying more attention to that. I only have 2 school age kids, a husband, 2 dogs, a home, a job, a church, friends, and laundry to keep track of. I couldn't for the life of me remember why I hadn't penciled in time to take care of my plant.
Nonetheless, I dropped everything, grabbed the watering can and gave my sweet plant a drink. I waited. I waited some more. 10 min had gone by and it still looked droopy. 2 hours had gone by and it still looked droopy. I then got busy and once again forgot about my plant, until this morning. Eating breakfast with the girls I looked up and saw that my plant had perked up. It looked greener, healthier, vibrant. The leaves were pointing up and I was happy. Yahoo, a little water saved the day. And then I got to thinking.......
How much are our lives and our children's lives much like my plant. Think for a moment about the relationship with your spouse. If you don't take the time and energy to "water" their spirit or "fertilize" their soul, what is that person going to start looking like. Yes, I know that we get busy and time can get away from us, but our spouse will continue to need those basic essentials to continue on in a healthy & happy relationship. Think about the results that can occur if we put all things aside and provide a little TLC. We may not see results immediately but given a bit of time, we will see a thriving, healthy, happy looking person.
Same concept applies to our children. How often do we get caught up in the daily grind, thinking about the next thing on our to do list or the next load of laundry to be folded. We don't stop to provide that little bit of TLC. Our children may not hear an "I love you" or an "I am proud of you" or "Good job." They began to wither, droop if you must. They begin to take on an unpleasant appearance. But all it takes is a bit of intention on our part and voila!!!! - transformation occurs. If you think I'm joking, I challenge you to put aside all negativity and shower your spouse or child with nothing but compliments and see what happens. The child you once thought was becoming a discipline problem will be transformed into a healthier and happier individual. BUT, it does take a bit of work and grooming on our part. Although at times it is not convenient to stop what we are doing, grab the watering can, grab the chair, climb up on the counter and give the plant some water - it is well worth it in the end when you have a beautiful flowering plant. Same thing with the relationships in our lives. It is not always convenient to stop what we are doing, provide praise and encouragement, dish out compliments, listen, and love intentionally. BUT it is well worth it in the end when we have a beautiful flowering individual. Think about it for a moment......
I know that I have killed plenty of plants in my lifetime, and I probably will kill a few more. But, it is definitely time to start taking care of the ones I have living right now!
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