Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wordful Wednesday

I'm forgoing my 'Wordless Wednesday' post for what I call ~ Wordful Wednesday. Why? Because I have a story that is much to funny not to share and not one photo right now that would be up to the standards of a 'Wordless Wednesday' post.

For those of you who missed my tweets from yesterday, I mentioned my fiasco regarding nap time. I was dead tired yesterday. Running on minimal sleep and minimal caffeine, I decided yesterday was going to be a nap day for all the D girls. We have had Vacation Bible School every morning this week which has completely sucked the living life out of my children. The stimulation and excitement, not to mention non stop hours packed full of crafts and friends has really thrown my kids energy reserves out of whack. Whiny and crying, I dragged them home, shoveled a bit of non-nutritious food into their tummies and then proceeded to plunge my way up the stairs for the daunting yet rewarding act of putting them to bed. The sooner I got them into bed, the sooner I could get into bed. I had already decided it was going to be cereal for supper, the dishes would wait until tomorrow, and not one item of clothing needed to be washed. I would be resting my tired body without a care in the world - maybe.

I laid Mattea into her bed first. I snuggled up next to her and placed her head in my lap, I was in heaven - UNTIL....Paloma came trodding in wondering when I would be putting her to bed. I told her she had to be patient and that I was tending to her sister first. And that was all I remember. I was out. Without another thought, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I'm not sure how long I was comatose but all I remember was waking in a complete state of panic. Where was I, was time was it, and where was my second born??? When I finally collected my thoughts, I remembered that it was the afternoon, Tuesday afternoon, and I had completely forgotten to tuck Paloma in. Running downstairs, I saw evidence that Paloma had been there. She had climbed on a chair and gotten her sheep down from VBS. She had gotten her scissors out because some coupons had been cut and the rest of the house was empty.

Still in a complete panic with my heart beating 500 beats a minutes, I ran upstairs to find my sweet little toddler cuddled up in my bed with her blankie and a stuffed animal. I was relieved (and still secretly wondering how I was going to finish that nap.)

I was downstairs sweeping when Paloma woke up and stumbled down to greet me. All I heard from her muttering little voice was "momma, you neveer (never) tucked me in, you neveer came and swept (slept) wif (with) me." I apologized profusely and asked her what she did before she so responsibly put herself to sleep. "Everyfing (everything). I guess I will never know what she did to entertain herself during that time where she had complete run of the house. Instead of slipping out of the patio door to play outside by herself, or perhaps sneaking into the pantry to munch on a bag of opened veggie chips, or better yet scan the cleaners under the sink for the best bleach bottle to lick - my little Lomi grabbed her "mimi" and headed upstairs to the best place she could find to lay her little body down and rest. Momma's bed. Sweet dreams little Lomi. Looks like I'll be tucking you in first next time.


Kim said...

Those are the moments when you know you are doing a great job parenting! That is so sweet--wish you had a picture of her sleeping so peacefully :-) Those are the times I feel most guilty about snapping pictures--I know I should be feeling bad or in a panic and all I want to do is grab the camera--is that bad??

Michelle said...

Great Story!!!