This week, on TUESDAY, 7/14/09, the theme is THREE THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT ME.
I sure hope some of my blogging friends will join me on our weekly Blog Hop.
So to begin....

1) This is my husband Dave. We have been married 7 years in September. I feel blessed beyond words to be married to such an extraordinary man. Anyone who knows me already is aware that I gush about how completely lucky I am to have in my life. But what you may not know is that I took up running for this man, I make cooking attempts for this man, I try not to cry in front of this man (although it has happened), and I am deathly terrified of appearing weak in front of this man. Granted, he has seen me at some pretty vulnerable time - ie childbirth. But in all reality, my desire is for my husband to see me at my finest and not remember my weaknesses. I fear being seen as a weak individual - by those around me - but especially my husband. Crazy huh?

2) Dave & I have talked on many occasions about being open to the possibility of adoption. In fact, on our 2nd date, we discussed adoption and shared our dreams of internationally adopting a child. After we had Paloma, I think we were both terrified to even contemplate adding any more children to our family for fear that we would literally be driven to the brink of insanity. As our children are maturing, life is getting easier. As our girls grow and become more independent, I can definitely sense my self revisiting the idea. I think both Dave and I share the idea that God has blessed us with two amazingly beautiful, healthy little girls whom we absolutely adore with all of our hearts. We can't think of a better way to thank God than to provide a home to a very deserving child. (And secretly, I realllllly want to adopt from India. Some may know that, some may not.)
3) This one dates way back to college - and of course I'm not too proud to admit this to all who know me out there but here goes....
I had to retake my nursing math test 6 times in order to pass - and the only way that I ended up passing was to cheat. I hate math, don't understand algebra, and use a calculator all the time. Was that going to make me a bad nurse - NO! So in my head, that is how I justified cheating. I remember thinking to myself -all those years ago-that this math seemed hard and it was going to be a shame if I couldn't pass and all my hard work that went into studying to become a nurse would be wasted. Mind you, this was like 6th grade math and in hindsight, this test carried absolutely no weight. But at the time, it seemed like a huge obstacle. Well, needless to say, I did pass, I went on to get good grades in college, passed my NCLEX on my first attempt, and have yet to make any major math errors in my years as a nurse. So.....
Wow -that was harder than I thought. Hope you've enjoyed reading. Won't you play along? Have a blessed week!